Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Quinlan's first month at home

Quinlan with Auntie Tess
I'm not afraid of my lion
I love eating my hand

Quinlan with Auntie Cynthia
Yes, I can hold my own bottle at 3 weeks old.. my future is bright for Guiness consumption.

After my first bath
My visit with Grandpa Fred
Grandpa loves when I'm quiet
Chillin' with mom
Outside Fred's Mexican Cafe with Grandpa Fred
Tummy Time (upside down...well that's how it feels)

I love to stretch out with daddy
Grandma's last chance to hold me since she is leaving today.

Quinny the Poo

Grandma Mia spoiled me when she came by holding me the entire time
Dad and I hanging at SD Bay

Mom and I at SD Bay
The diaper cake from the nice folks at D&K

Grandma Mia arrives and I went to greet her

Me, Mom and Dad outside of our home

Grandma and I
Waking up with Daddy

Quinlan's first bath

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